In June, the Russians have greatly increased the amount of free money found in Romir


The index of free money Romir is the difference between household income and spending on necessary goods and services. Calculations are made on the basis of data from the scanning panel of Romir households. It is based on consumer data of 30 thousand Russians, 11.5 thousand households in 190 cities with a population of more than 10,000 people.

"In June, the amount of free money reached a size of 29.7 thousand rubles.The average annual value of the free monetary index for the first half of the year was 23, 3 thousand rubles.So, the index of the free currency in June rose sharply compared to May – both by 23.2% .In monetary terms, the increase amounted to 5.6 thousand rubles (of 24.1 thousand rubles), "the study indicates.

Compared to June 2017, growth was even more significant – the indicator increased by 25.3%, from 23.7 thousand rubles

"At the same time, it is premature to say that the jump in the index indicates an increase in the level of well-being of the Russians.In addition, the rapid growth of free money volume has occurred in the context of a slight decline average check index, "Romir note

" This situation may be explained by the fact that many Russians refused this year to travel. "The hands could have left more money. money than in the past, because of "holidaymakers" not extinguished.The conclusion can be verified after receiving data from the free money index in July and August ", she adds.

In million cities the value of the index increased by 20.3% compared to the month of May. 38 thousand rubles. In cities with a population of 0.5-1 million, the index rose 17.7% to 31.2 thousand rubles. In cities with 100 to 500 thousand inhabitants, the index rose 33.3%, reaching 20.8 thousand rubles.

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