In Krasnodar, the Regional Engineering Center was opened


The Regional Engineering Center provides contractors with services to improve the technological readiness of their businesses by solving design, engineering, and organizational tasks and implementation . It is a new public support infrastructure for SMEs based on the Krasnodar Region Business Development Fund. "One of the priorities of the regional authorities is to increase the share of SMEs in the manufacturing sector, and the Engineering Center was created to contribute to this process," said Yuri Volkov.

According to Yulia Alferova, it is necessary to properly explain to entrepreneurs the information about the possibilities of a new support infrastructure.

"For the support of the state to work and be effective, the business world This requires the reactions of entrepreneurs.Therefore, it is so important that today, an entrepreneurial community has the opportunity to ask questions directly, "added the adviser to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

A total of 57 RCIs were created in Russia, in the database of which there are already more than 5,000 production and engineering companies and more than 300 experts and specialists of various projects

Detailed information about the center can be found by calling the Business Development Fund 8 (861) 992-03-65 the press service of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory

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