In Perm, chose the final version of the renovated esplanade


On July 4, the official results of the vote for the appearance of the esplanade are summarized, which the regional authorities want to actively renovate (a section of the building of the Legislative Assembly at Popova Street ).

The vote was organized on the portal May to 2 July. The overall appearance was presented in April to the town planning board, and details were given to residents: store configuration, types of landscaping, garbage cans, lamps etc. The authorities pointed out: the esplanade will not be built, but in fact completely transformed into a recreation area. And throughout the year

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"We are all very worried about the changes in the esplanade that we are familiar with because for all of them it is a special place. which have been prepared jointly with the professional community, we have tried to do the most "attention" to the esplanade.But the residents' opinion on certain points is divergent from the original project.According to the governor of Prikamie, Maxime Reshetnikov, according to Vyacheslav Torchinsky, Minister of Culture of Perm Krai, 7,500 people left their opinions on the portal.In addition to certain types of design details (for example, Permyaks chose three types of plants: Siberian apple tree, thorny spruce, last white white), the vote showed that the residents really want a show and a playground. "

For professionals", and we have seen that it is not popular , the inhabitants Ts of Perm want to decide everything themselves, "notes the minister with a smile

. It was presented by the head of the department of architecture of Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Ilya Glazunov, a member of the Union of Russian Architects Viktor Shchipalkin. But the nuance lies in the fact that the provision does not quite reflect the concept that has been baderted in the town council, but rather its alternative.

Shchipalkin himself pointed out that his concept was more to show "official" version.

"This concept was created by several groups of architects.Its essence – the esplanade was first presented as a project in one piece.Victor Shchipalkin said:

Recall that the renovation works on this site are already actively implemented – a second fountain is under construction, which should be produced in November 2019. [19659002] Note that the word "esplanade" means a large open space in front In Perm, it is limited to the streets of Lenin and Petropavlovskaya, in fact it was created in the 1970s, when the territory was cleaned of low-rise buildings in order to build housing. to several apartments, but the concept has been changed in favor of an open space for recreation.Esplanade – a rare phenomenon for Russian cities.In this regard, the Permian version is often called the ar "unique" chitects.

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