In Russia – the mustache of hope, England – a jacket. The main accessory of the summer in Great Britain


Almost every World Cup in many member countries (especially those who play well and go away), appears badociated with the performance of the national team at the tournament and becomes his symbol. It can be a meme, a song, a gesture, a garment, etc.

For example, kissing Laurent Blanc in bald head of Fabienne Barthez to the French national team in 1998. Cut "the envelope" Ronaldo of Brazil in 2002. To the Russian national team in 2018, it was the "mustache of hope". In England, which, for the third time in its history and for the first time since 1990, reached the semi-finals of the World Cup, it became a jacket


coach of the Gareth Southgate National Team. And he wears in all weathers, no matter how hot he was in the street, but, on the other hand, he does not put on his jacket, thus putting on a clbadic suit three rooms. According to The Guardian, in the context of a successful performance of the national team this wardrobe item (by the way, quite specific, this is not your usual t-shirt, that almost everything the world can wear) has become extremely popular in England. The well-known brand, which is the official supplier of clothing for the England team, has already announced that during the World Cup, vests sales have increased by 35% and have explained by the effect of Southgate

. Lyst's requests for the word "vest" since the start of the World Cup have increased by 41%, and after the match, England and Colombia in the 1/8 finals are searched every 12 minutes. And after the England team 's victory over Sweden in the ¼ finals of the world championship, popular political observer Andrew Marr conducted his weekly program in a vest, explaining that he did it intentionally

on the theme "Where to buy a vest like Southgate."


In a nutshell, the flash mob is gaining momentum. And the vest is not so cheap. Such, as in Southgate, will manage in 65 pounds (5,465 rubles at the rate of the central bank). Full three-piece suit, as players and coaches of the England national team – 265 books. And for 25 pounds you can buy a patriotic tie in red, blue and white stripes ("Union Jack" colors – the flag of Britain – note "SE"), which Southgate puts in Russia for every game.

The growth in sales of vests is not prevented even the heat that was in England for most of the tournament – thus, since June 25 in London, the temperature that two days has dropped below 25 degrees .

However, fashion critics and strict style zealots have not missed the opportunity to make some comments. According to the rules, the bottom button of the vest should be unbuttoned, while the Southgate zips them all.

Southgate itself refers to this hype discreetly and even with humor. "I'm not David Beckham, I'm even a little worried about all that, you see, I was the central defender, who usually gets a lot of punching in the head. hardly be considered a style icon, "he explains in an interview with the BBC


on match vests – Southgate does so in memory of his grandfather Arthur Tolle. He was a sailor and always carefully watched his appearance, and the vest was one of his favorite guard items.

"My family has always been incredibly patriotic. My grandfather was a naval infantryman. I've always grown up with the idea of ​​England and I always remembered what we fought for, "said Southgate before the start of the World Cup.

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