In Russia, they build more and more collective housing


In the first half of the year in Russia, 29 million square meters of housing, or 3.8% more than a year earlier (while 28 million m2 were built) , according to Rosstat. At the same time, the share of individual housing construction increased sharply (by almost 12% compared to January-July 2017) and rose to 15.3 million square meters. (m) The area of ​​multi-unit registered properties decreased by 17% to 13.7 million square meters. m (16.5 million square meters in the first half of 2017).

The most dramatic fall was recorded in June. The total commissioning of housing fell by 17% to 5.3 million square meters. m; and developers have introduced 26% less – 2.8 million square meters. m against 3.8 million a year earlier (73,800 apartments against 93,800). The entry of housing also declined in Moscow – from 13% to 722,100 sq. M. However, in the Moscow region, it has increased: introduced 3.7 million square meters. m of residential real estate, it is more than last year, 16%; the share of residential buildings increased by 8.7% (1.88 million m2).

The introduction of industrial housing is not happy – during the first half of the year, 26,000 apartments (6%) less than a year earlier, partner of the company "Metrium" Maria Litinetskaya. This is a consequence of the crisis of 2014-2015 ., considers the general manager of the rating agency of the building complex Nikolay Alekseenko. The projects, which are now commissioned, were launched in 2015 ., during the next financial crisis, the managing partner of Vectorstroifinance Andrei Kolochinsky is in agreement. Then, many developers did not have enough money to start large scale construction projects. After the collapse of the ruble and the increase of the key rate to 17% in December 2014, the banks had to revise the conditions of the financing of the projects by fixing rates of dam, explains it, the only source of financing of construction being the money of co-investors. Kolochinsky continues as a result, the developers began to build less.

Input volumes do not always accurately reflect the state of the market, the head of badytical portal Oleg Repchenko. On the market today, a record supply, but people have less money, new buildings are not sold as quickly, respectively, and they are introduced with a delay, he says. Repchenko badociates an important part of the construction of individual housing not to the construction boom but to the activity of local authorities that compel citizens to register their property, as well as the current amnesty of dacha.

Andrey Tsvet, Group Development Director Granel. and by the end of the year, an increase of 5 to 7% in the forecast. Due to long construction dates, housing construction in some months is not indicative, the largest entry is traditionally held in December, says the representative of the Housing Policy Department of Ministry of Construction of Russia. The entrance can reach 75-77 million square meters. m, says Alexeienko: Many developers plan to implement projects as soon as possible before moving to a new regulation. As of July 1, 2018, amendments to the law on joint construction came into force, reinforcing the requirements for developers who attract buyers' money for housing.

In a straight line on June 7, President Vladimir Putin declared this year already 88 million square meters. m. "Until 2024, we will have to reach a much more ambitious figure – 120 million square meters." The president demanded.

Authorities have already claimed for 10 years that they need to increase the volume of construction, recalls Repchenko: "On the one hand, the authorities claim this, and on the other hand on the other hand, they complicate the rules of the game. The measures are contradictory, we can get a decline in the construction: even a year or two housing will be located at about the same level, and in 3 to 5 years to come he will fall. "He relates these predictions to the transition to new rules on shared construction.

The small promoters, who make up the majority of the province's promoters, are gearing up for new work rules or cutting everything, says Litinetskaya. At the same time, she said, there are no prerequisites for a qualitative growth in demand, not related to a mortgage boom, but to an increase in income. Kolochinsky agrees with her: "Small businesses and developers will leave the market without sufficient financial strength, which will lead to a further reduction in construction volumes."

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