In Sevastopol for half a year collected 5 billion tax rubles


"For the first half of 2018, the consolidated budget of Sevastopol has received 5 billion rubles of tax revenue.It is 14% or 625 million rubles more than the same period last year. ", did she say.

She recalled that this year the property tax is levied in Sevastopol. The calculations are made immediately for three periods – from 2015 to 2017.

"The peculiarity of our region and Crimea – the tax was calculated for individuals against which the tax authorities received information from Sevreist (registration According to preliminary estimates, 35 thousand taxpayers will have to pay about 15 million rubles "

According to her, the owners of the land in the city is much larger. According to Russian legislation (6 FKZ), Ukrainian documents retain the rights of landowners in the Russian legal field without restrictions. "Nevertheless, you must bring the documents in accordance with the standards of the Russian Federation and claim their rights to land and capital construction projects in Sevreestr," said the deputy head of the department. "The main reason for this is the lack of a basic element of taxation – cadastral valuation (objects of capital construction) .In 2018, the cadastral valuation of the state is In respect of capital construction projects, the cadastral badessment is scheduled for 2019. The first taxation period for the payment of the Property tax will be 2020 and according to the Tax Code, its calculation and payment must be made in 2021 – until December 31, "explained Golodenko.

The UFNS expects that at the expense of this tax in the city the budget will be further consolidated about 1 billion rubles.

Currently, property taxes in Sevastopol are paid by legal persons. For the first half of 2018, these fees collected 252 million rubles, 19 million rubles more than in the first half of 2017.

In addition, this year the number of taxpayers of the transport tax will rise . "This year, 75,000 residents of our city receive a notification of payment of the transportation tax, which is 10,000 more than last year.The tax is calculated with respect to 98 thousand vehicles , for 14 thousand units of equipment more than last year.The amount of tax this year is 176 million rubles, or 34 million rubles more than a year ago ", Golodenko said.

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