In the industrial district will repair three more streets


On Levchenko Street in the Karpinsky area in Tankmen the lower leveling layer of asphalt concrete has already been laid, the laying of the top layer of the cover will start soon. The repair will be carried out with cards of more than 25 square meters. meters across the width of the roadway. The total area is about 750 square meters.

The Babushkin Street site, from House 1 to Tankist Street, which has no hard surface, has also begun to be repaired. In preparation, the dismantling of concrete slabs, reinforcements and the installation of crushed stone foundations were carried out

In Tankistov Street, from Levchenko Street to Babushkin Street, the lower layer was laid. Tankmen. The work will be done at night.

In total during the ongoing repair in the industrial district of Perm replaced more than 44.3 thousand square meters. asphalt meters covering the sections of the streets of Shakhterskaya, Cherdynska, Cherdynska, Karpinsky, Mira, the Soviet Army, May 9, Ryazan, Kachalov, Militsioner Vlasov and others

The Federal project "Safe and qualitative roads" repairs the streets of Cosmonaut Leonov and the architect Sviyazev.

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