The region has adopted an export strategy. It aims at the development of high value-added industries, increased exports of processed products, badembly production, high-tech exports, exports of scientific and intellectual services. The press service of the regional government reported it to the correspondent
The province is one of the leaders in the country by the share of exports to GRP, which in recent years was between 54 % and 27%. According to forecasts of the Ministry of Industrial Policy, the development of entrepreneurship and trade in the region, after a decline in the past three years, the volume of supplies in the future to 2025 may increase by 150-200%.
The strategy is calculated until 2025. During this period, the task was to implement an effective model of export specialization of the Kaliningrad region. There is already a good basis for this: our region is sufficiently integrated into the global economy and is considered one of the most advanced of the Russian Federation by the share of exports. At the same time, we must accelerate the decline of recent years, help our existing businesses, promote Kaliningrad goods and services to new markets, "said Dmitry Kuskov, Minister of Industrial Policy, Business Development and Trade. trade of the region. strategy is the development of a non-traditional high-tech export for the Kaliningrad region, the export of intellectual and science-intensive services, mainly engineering and computer services.
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