In the Kama region, the operator for solid waste treatment will be selected


In Prikamye, a call for tenders for the right to operate with solid household waste was announced. The PCT selects an operator on the basis of several criteria: the participants must have a license for this type of activity, the security of the application is 5% of the maximum authorized income of the operator. The results of the negotiations will be known at the beginning of September, and they will have to conclude an agreement on September 19th.

Previously, "FederalPress" reported that in the region, 1.08 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (TCO) was formed each year.

", the 682 collection points for recycling are collected in the province At these points, you can hand over the sorted waste: glbad, plastic, paper.

According to the PCT, the coverage rate of the recycling system TCO collection in the territory of the region ranges from 20 to 98%

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