In the Novosibirsk region, people have moved from dilapidated housing to substandard housing


The Novosibirsk region government sends specialists to the city of Barabinsk to check the house on St. Leo Tolstoy, where people have been displaced from an emergency shelter. As the news agency REGNUM reported today, on July 6, in the Novosibirsk region government, an apartment in the house No. 18 of St. Leo Tolstoy, the administration of Barabinsk, which was commissioned in 2014. acquired as part of the targeted regional program for the resettlement of citizens of the housing stock of emergency. Having moved, the tenants began to complain about the quality of the house. The complaints were sent to the developer, who was supposed to eliminate the deficiencies in the performance of the guarantee obligations under the municipal contract. However, the location of the builder is still unknown. Regarding the developer, according to data from the Regional Ministry of the housing and communal economy economy and energy, the Barabinsk administration filed a complaint with of the arbitration tribunal. The decision was made to oblige the promoter to delete all comments on the given home.

As explained in the regional government, work is under way to reorganize the facade of the house to ventilate. The seams are sealed, the window blocks are isolated.

"All this work for this house is scheduled to be completed in 2018," said the head of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Development Department of Profile, Andrei Mikhailov.

He specified that some of the work on the problematic house has already been completed. For example, the house blinds have been repaired, cellar vents have been aligned with regulatory requirements, the door has been changed, etc.

The experts who left for Barabinsk will conduct an additional study of the building's base. , a similar situation occurred in the region of Love. The inhabitants of the Bureya settlement have been moved from old emergency houses to new emergency homes. People are turning to different authorities, but there is no sense yet.

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