In the rare treasure of Primorye, there is not 9 billion dollars for relocation from emergency housing


In the Primorye Regional Budget, there is no money for the implementation in 2019 of the second phase of the Emergency Housing Resettlement Program. About 9 billion rubles are needed, where he is not known to take them, he said. Director of the Department of Urban Development at the meeting of the Economic Policy Committee and Property of the Legislative Assembly Yevgeny Dobrynin. Federal co-financing for these purposes will not, IA REGNUM correspondent transmits.

As reported in the report to regional deputies Eugene Dobrynin, in just five years in Primorye, from 2012 to 2017, managed to resettle 7.4 thousand people over 3, 2 thousand emergency apartments. In anticipation of new housing – 323 people living in 161 apartments in four municipalities.

The relocation of 589 multi-apartments and 107 single-family homes will need almost 9 billion rubles by 2019. And the resettlement prospects are vague.

"The mechanism that Minstroy is proposing today does not involve federal co-financing Due to the fact that the budget of Primorsky Krai is scarce, it is unlikely that the Ministry of Finance will accept additional expenses. the mechanism proposed by the Ministry of Construction is based on the attraction of investors.If in the big cities of Primorye this approach can still work, then in most municipalities its implementation is barely possible ", – and explained. about the head of the urban planning department

On July 1, the construction of three apartment buildings in Khasansky district was not completed: one in the agglomeration of Posetsky and two in the urban area of ​​Khasan. All houses were built by a Far East consulting firm with a daughter, who is currently bankrupt.

A situation similar to Nakhodka, slightly better – in the urban area Smolyaninovsky.

At the program stage, Dobrynin replied:

"More than half of the 161 apartments that are not currently transferred to citizens will be closed before the end of the year." As REGNUM reports, the problem Failure to implement decommissioned housing resettlement programs affects not only the Far East, but also Russia as a whole.

Ubiquitous inspections reveal mbadive violations in the territory of Khabarovsk, on Sakhalin, in the region of Love, Yakutia.

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