In the Sverdlovsk region builds a complex of greenhouses of the fifth generation


The project "UralInvestAgro" involves the cultivation of vegetables and greenery of the closed soil using the technology of "Ultra Clima". The investor plans to launch the project in 2019. Greenhouse farms are among the industries that consume a very large amount of energy. Therefore, the company also intends to create its own energy complex to produce electrical and thermal energy on liquefied gaseous fuels produced from recycled industrial waste. This will make the products more accessible to the end user. Investments in the project are 7.75 billion rubles

Lyt Saidullin noted that the project will provide vegetables of the highest quality throughout the year, including in winter because of the limit . We have asked the Ural Development Corporation to support the project in order to attract co-financing and support from the state. "19659003" The UralInvestAgro project is a step towards providing quality local products to local populations. Our region is a very large consumer of agricultural products with high effective demand. But in a number of areas of the Sverdlovsk region, there are not enough clean production facilities. One of these required areas is the closed soil vegetables. The Sverdlovsk region provides only 35%, "said Koskevich

.Today, KRSU has badigned agriculture in a separate direction and is working on several investment projects in the agro-complex The Corporation helps local farmers to modernize and expand production facilities, establish contacts with foreign investors and provide the project with engineering infrastructure and support measures. conditions for investing in industrial, social, transportation and housing infrastructure ruktury.

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