In Uzbekistan, scientists and teachers will raise their salaries and create a fund to finance their research


In particular, from 1 September 2018:

– in a differentiated order, the average size of the basic salaries of the prominent and scientific workers of the research establishments participating in the setting increases on average by 25% scientific and technical programs basic, applied and innovative research at the expense of the state budget, as well as senior officials and teaching staff Higher Education Institutions.

– the size of wages of technical and technical personnel of research institutions, who are in charge of the functions of design and technology to provide a scientific activity, maintenance of scientific laboratory equipment, sizes differentiated from 30 to 100% depending on the position occupied and the scale of scientific activity.

In addition, since August 1, 2018, the salaries of employees of administrative staff of the Academy of Sciences are doubled. [19659002] And this is not the end. The president ordered to increase the salaries of the leaders and scientists, of the engineering staff as well as senior officials and teaching staff institutions. higher education in the future:

Mirziyoyev also ordered to prepare proposals for the creation of a presidential fund for the commercialization of scientific results and scientific and technical activities with the l 39; opening of his accounts in IKTB "Ipoteka Bank" of an amount of $ 100 million.

It is accelerated and largely implemented by the results of scientific and technical activities in all spheres of life, co-financing start-up projects of high-tech enterprises as founder in [projets start-up] 19659008] [ad_2]
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