The object was frozen in 2015 at the very beginning of construction, however, a new developer was created thanks to the efforts of the authorities, who took over
The previous developer raised funds from 22 million rubles and squandered them. As a result, criminal cases have been initiated and judicial decisions have already been taken. The head of the company was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in a general regime colony and four years of complicity.
According to Roman Kasyanov, Deputy Head of the National Construction Supervisory Inspectorate of the Volgograd region. in trouble do not throw. Governor Andrei Bocharov is given a mission to provide all possible badistance to solve the problems of defrauded co-investors.
– In total, there are 45 problematic objects of shared construction in the region. For each address, road maps are developed at the end of all long-term construction, which we try to implement in a timely manner. With regard to the already existing LCD Alphabet, we have managed to attract to its completion a reliable and experienced TM-Story LLC, which has recently completed the construction of a large residential complex. area of 15 thousand square meters in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of Volgograd. We helped her to reissue the permit documents. Land was also awarded for the construction of another building in the Dzerzhinsky district, he said.
The agreement on the completion of the works was signed in February this year, a new building permit was received in June. Now the foundation is flowing on the site. The new developer had to start from the beginning the construction of a apartment building No. 47a on Dvinskaya Street – dismantle the foundations built by the former unscrupulous developer as they did not meet the technical conditions of the new project to enlarge the foundation pit
. there was a private house, it was necessary that the project fully correspond to the existing urbanistic standards. Instead of a three-story building, we will build an eight-story home, on the non-residential first floor, that will house a store and a preschool. But despite the changes in the project, the rights of co-owners of the housing complex will be fully respected, they will receive everything in accordance with the agreements concluded earlier. The project is serious and we will try not to miss the leadership of the area and the city that gave us confidence, or the people who have invested and are waiting to receive the keys to their apartments, "said Timur Khatuev, General Manager from the company. the adjacent territory and the construction of an asphalt road up to the nearest tram stop.
The complex development of the territory, creating comfortable conditions for people's lives is one of the long-term priorities. development strategy for the Volgograd region, appointed by Governor Andrei Bocharov. According to the plan, the house must be completed in December of the following year
It should be noted that the region performs a systemic interdepartmental work to solve the problems of defrauded co-investors, effectively exchanging information that allows the rapid decision-making to protect the rights of citizens. For each long-term construction, a clear procedure of actions to complete it has been developed. We work with developers, residents, financial institutions, legislatures. Mechanisms have been created to solve problems and attract new investors in the completion of homes. Thus, thanks to the regional law on large-scale investment projects, good-faith promoters obtain land for rent without bidding, they can count on a preferential rent-to-land ratio, companies connect to the networks of the land. Engineering and other preferences. In the current year 's budget, funds have been allocated to compensate developers for the costs of technical connection to technical communications.
Thanks to the measures taken over the last three years, 43 problem homes have been completed in the area. Only in 2017 in the region seven long-term buildings were completed. Thus, literally, in the last days of 2017, the first building of one of the most famous buildings of Volgograd ZhK Dominant was put into operation, completed the No. 7 building on Lavochkin Street, the # 39, object in Truda square, 2 in Volzhsky. In addition, signed agreements of intent with bona fide promoters who undertake to complete the Park Evropeisky and Chaika 2 housing complexes.
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