Innoprom introduces new domestic trams


Wagons 412 and 415 are a new product of Uraltransmash (part of the UVZ structure). As Ildar Gazizov, deputy general manager for civil engineering, told RG, the 412 car can be used as a body for a Czech car running or as a new tram. A 415 car is made of domestic materials, according to domestic technology. It is low floor, which allows disabled pbadengers to be transported. It has other seats, handrails and a driving cabin.

– We have developed a new cart for comfortable driving on existing rails. In other words, the tram should not tremble and turn around. This car is adapted to the already laid tram line and the network of contacts. According to the chief designer Sergei Solovyov,

According to the designers, August-September trams will be tested to obtain operating permits, and by the end of the year. year, a new transport will appear. on the roads.

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