Kanchelskis named best player of the 2018 World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


Former player of the Russian national team and Manchester United Andrei Kanchelskis shared his opinion on the best player of the Football World Cup. The words of the expert lead Rusfootball.info

"I would have probably mentioned Kevin de Brein here." If the Belgians reached the final, I think he would have become the tournament's best player and The player is just wonderful, what pbades it gives! It's an ideal!

"Golden Ball" gave Luka Modric – it's clear that it was impossible to deprive the Croatian national team and give everything to France.The French have already become champions of the world, they have fun said Kanchelskis.

It was reported that the Italian club Juventus made another attempt to acquire CSKA midfielder and Russian national team Alexander Golovin, select him and press Ctrl + Enter

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