Kondratiev: The energy shortage hampers the implementation of new business projects in Kuban


Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratiev said that in the region will create a unique resource center for investors with information on free energy resources. According to Kondratiev, the energy deficit in the province is why some investment projects are impossible to implement.

"The energy shortage is an objective reason why individual investment projects are not implemented. The problem is not new, in order to solve it, a single resource center will be created in the province where investors will be able to see the limits, get information on free energy resources, "said the governor

. or inactive businesses.

According to ZSC Vice President Sergey Altukhov in Kuban, investor preferences should be broadened. This year, the Investment Project Support Center was established on the basis of the Krasnodar Region Business Development Fund.

In addition, according to the member, the privilege system needs to be adjusted. regions should consider extending tax benefits to missing activities, for example, logistics centers, "Altukhov said.

At the event, the head of the region noted that He believes that it is necessary to consider the application of Dmitry Batan, director of OOO Askalon, who asks to shorten the deadline for the return of the value added tax. Kondratiev instructed his deputy Vasily Shvets to perform the corresponding work.

FedPress recalls that the connection of investment sites to the Kuban power grids will be examined by an ad hoc working group.

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