Kremlin: Fight Gassiyev-Usik unites nations, there was no politics in it – Boxing News


After the fight, the Ukrainian won a convincing victory by unanimous decision and became the absolute world champion in the first heavyweight championship.

"Yesterday past the event, which the whole world was waiting for, I am very happy that everything was organized on such a level.If beautiful was boxing, both boxers were great.Of course, the strongest won – Alexander Usik I would like to wish the victory of Murat Gbadiev in the future.He is only 24 years old, he has everything in front of him, I think you do not even need to you get angry, just need to train and get ready – maybe there'll be a rematch, I'm sure he's the best boxer.
As for the political slogans that appeared after the On the Ukrainian side, we do not pay attention to it, our priority is sport, boxing, and yesterday everyone saw how Gbadiev and Usik respected each other, how the room reacted.

supporters have supported the two athletes, we have seen the true unity of the people.This is an example for all political prostitutes , such as Poroshenko, it is the friendship and unity, boxing unit. Because we are all one, we have no differences, unlike all politicians who use the sport for their own sake.

Usik proved that he was the best boxer of his weight. Respect alone is well done. And as a boxer, and as a person. At the press conference after the battle he declared that the first thing he would do would be to return home to Simferopol, "the Kremlin Press Service quotes the Russian Boxing Federation
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