Krushelnytsky will reach an agreement with the court – Curling News – Winter


Source: Sport-Express

The forbidden meldonia, discovered in the body of Russian curling player Alexander Krushelnytsky in Pyeongchokh, has become one of the main themes of the past Olympic Games. The situation seemed absurd in every way. First, each of our athletes knew exactly what would happen in Korea under the microscope of anti-doping services. Second, What kind of curling doping? Third, takes meldon after the story with Maria Sharapova, that even grandmothers know about the benches, just madness. And in Krushelnytsky the concentration of meldonia in the body was just horse.

But all in one way or another coincided. As a result, the Russian curling was left without the first in the history of the Olympic medal, and the fate of Krushelnytsky and his charming partner Anastasia Bryzgalova hung in the air.


There were many versions of the incident. The most popular: stand-up. Dmitry Svishchev, President of the Russian Federation of Curling (FKR), has promised to lift the ears, but to prove the innocence of the athlete. Video camera recordings of all the places where Krushelnytsky was on the eve of the Olympic Games were requested, desperate attempts were made to find no witness to the crime of doping. At one time, the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) even announced that someone had confessed to a friend that he had poured meldon into the cup of Alexander in one of the Japanese bars, and his friend had poured information. But all this remained at the level of rumors.

And today, Svishchev has admitted: no evidence has been found, and therefore there is no reason to rest. Most likely, Krushelnytsky will now make an agreement with the International Curling Federation (WCF), fully recognize his guilt – and for cooperation with the survey will receive two years instead of four possible.

– I want to understand that this decision of the International Curling Federation is not suddenly, – said the correspondent of Svishchev "SE" Peter GRIGORENKO. – For a long time we are fighting for justification and mitigation of punishment for Alexander. For example, in April, after the World Cup, we met with Federation President Kate Ketness. During lengthy negotiations, we again emphasized and demonstrated the facts that prove our unacceptable attitude towards doping and how we aspire to solve this problem once and for all. We have also attracted several experts who scientifically prove the absurdity and inactivity of the drug that was found in Alexander's body. But all this can only serve and, as we see, has already served as extenuating circumstances, but does not justify in any way. You can either justify what you have not used and if you have not used it, go prove it, or if we find a rascal who has framed Alexander and bring him to court.

– What are your subsequent actions? ]

– The question of acceptance or non-acceptance of an exclusion proposal for two years by the pre-trial procedure is currently being decided by Alexander. Krushelnytsky is now in communication with lawyers, and is inclined to accept this proposal. Although we were initially against, but because of the delay of the trial, which was to take place in June, but was postponed until September 19, we think we are in agreement.

Two years of disqualification, that is also a lot, but in this case, Alexander will at least have the opportunity to play with Bryzgalova at the Beijing Olympics in 2022.

One can long wonder if it was worth doing such a step, being totally confident in innocence. But from the point of view of the logic of the questions, there is none. In any case, less than two years, the case is unlikely to be completed. This is only as well as it will be necessary to spend for legal fees and there is no guarantee that it will all end in just two years. And so – even if some certainty.


In the sport of similar instances, when the court and the athlete converged on an intermediate decision, it was not so little . In cycling, for example, Olga Zabelinskaya has practically proved the mistake of her punishment. She has been accused of taking octopamine, which helps to lose weight. When the International Cycling Federation (UCI) began to understand that the case felt prowling, the Russian woman proposed a compromise: she does not dispute the decision and does not apply to the courts, and she is immediately authorized to compete and to waive any financial claim. Zabelinskaya, reluctantly, agreed because she understood that red tape, otherwise, would take years and that she would remain without the Olympics in Rio. So let her be safe and recognized as right.

Krushelnytsky chose the least of the evils. Yes, now he will officially go into history as a person who took drugs and agree with it. But now he will have a chance to turn the black page in Beijing-2022 and open the light. Zabelinska in Rio-2016 won the silver medal darling – and now she does not regret his agreement with the court.

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