Lineker – about the defeat of England – Sports Mail.Ru


Former England striker Gary Lineker admitted that he was in a depressed state after the defeat of the national team in the semifinals of the World Cup against Croatia (1: 2 ).


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– Completely depressed, but these young people gave everything. This is a big step forward, in the future they will play even better. They can walk with their heads up because their game made our country proud. Congratulations to Croatia, "Lineker wrote in his Twitter.

The England team in the match for 3rd place will meet Belgium (July 14, St. Petersburg ). in the text of the error, select it and press Ctrl + Enter


Leaving the game
Entered the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
Goal against his camp
Goal of the penalty spot
Penalty not realized
Shot in Penalty: Penalty achieved
Penalty: Penalty not realized

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