Luka Modric is recognized as the best player of the 2018 FIFA World Cup


MOSCOW, July 15th. /ТАСС/. Croatian midfielder Luka Modric is recognized as the best player in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The "gold ball" of the World Cup was awarded to the player after the last match at the Luzhniki Stadium, reports the correspondent of Tbad.


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The Croatian team lost 2-4 to the French in the final of the World Cup

. Modric played seven games at the World Cup where he scored two goals and helped out. The "silver ball" at the end of the tournament was given to Belgian midfielder Eden Azar. "Bronze ball" was awarded to the French striker Antoine Grizmann

Modric became the first Croatian to receive the award for the best football player in the world

Since 1982, the best player in the world receives the prize "Golden Ball". third place. In 1930-1978, also called the top three players, but the prize was not awarded to them. In the history of world championships the greatest number of times the best player of the tournament was the Brazilian national footballer – seven years old. The best were Leonidas (1938), Zizinho (1950), Didi (1958), Garrincha (1962), Pelé (1970), Romario (1994) and Ronaldo (1998).

The top three players were Argentina's Mario Kempes in 1978, Diego Maradona in 1986 and Lionel Messi in 2014) and Italy (Giuseppe Meazza in 1934, Paolo Rossi in 1982 and Salvatore Skillachi in 1990). Twice the best player was the Uruguayan – Jose Nasbadi in 1930 and Diego Forlan in 2010. After the 1954 World Cup, the Hungarian Ferenc Puskas became the best player in 1966 – the Englishman Bobby Charlton in 1974 – the Dutchman Johan Cruyff in 2002 – the goalkeeper of the German national team Oliver Kahn in 2006 – the Frenchman Zinedine Zidane

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Leaving the game
Started the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
Own goal
Goal of the penalty spot
Penalty not realized
Penalty Shot: Penalty achieved
Penalty series: penalty not completed

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