Match for third place. Who does he need at all? – Mail.Ru Sports



In the Russian press, a match for third place is often called a "comforting finale". It's wrong. First, the final involves the award of the trophy after the victory in him. Second, apply the adjective "comforting" to the meeting of two dozen men can not. Men do not need consolation, men need great victories.

How to go to the field of England, whose fans have sung on the World Cup for a whole month: "He comes home"? How to fight for the bronze of Belgium, whose "golden generation" missed, perhaps the last chance to be the best in the world, and in the quarter-finals removed the way of Brazil itself? "We have to fight for the bronze medal, but it will be very difficult for our ambitions," said Roberto Martinez, the coach of Belgium, after losing to the semifinals. A similar thought was expressed by his English colleague Gareth Southgate: "This is not the game we dreamed of."

The World Cup is a cup competition. This stems from the name that is used around the world: World Cup (World Cup). And the cutting system means a winner. Lost – stole. No "comforting finals". Now, the British and the Belgians do not think that at the party, which because of this insignificant match has been reduced by three days.

Coach of Belgium Roberto Martinez


A match for third place is needed only in children's competitions, so that the child has a little self-esteem after the defeat in the semifinals. But at the adult level, this game does not make sense. Former coach of the Dutch national team, Louis Van Gal, criticized four years ago the bronze matches: "It's been ten years since I talk about the fact that this match is not necessary, it has nothing to do with the sport.It turns out that it is possible to hold a tournament well, and to leave a loser, a loser, with him twice. tournaments, there is only one goal – to become champion. "

On the arms of national teams appear stars every time they win the World Cup. For bronze, give nothing. The question "Who took third place in the bearded year tournament?" Can only appear in the quiz for football geeks. But even the usual fans know that Brazilians are pentacamps, and Uruguay was the best of the world.

In the European Championship, the match for third place was canceled in 1984 – now the two losers of the semi-finalist. But FIFA sneaks out of the world championships and can barely cancel those games, because they bring benefits. An additional match is an additional 60,000 tickets sold and an additional zero in many sponsorship contracts. In the third match of the group stage, Belgium and England were playing a quiz


The Swedes were proud of the third place in 1994, the Croatians in 1998- m, the Turks in 2002. The Balkan team in France made their debut at the world championships, so for her, bronze was certainly a complete trophy

But the situation is different for the Belgians and the British. These and others have seriously relied on the gold medals, so after the semi – final defeat for them, the tournament is over. Most likely, Martinez and Southgate will put mixed games on the game and play the Reservists. Something like we have already seen, is not it?

In the third game of the group stage, Belgium and England made a gift: at that time both teams secured a 1/8 finish. spare battle. This meeting turned out to be boring even because it was even more profitable to lose it – England got a lighter match and Belgium had to fight with Brazil and the United States. La France. But now this game is even more fun: England looks like a harvester who caught you on the road, but came back to the nearest traffic light in a few minutes.

The red light of the semifinals prevented England and Belgium from going to the decisive match. in the semi-exhibition. This is a plus for neutral viewers because in the last ten bronze matches, fewer than three goals have not scored. The footballers are released from the pressure, released, so that they can focus directly on the game and not think about how to park the bus more clearly. The high potential of entertainment is the only reason that games for third place can be held. So let Belgium and England satisfy the fans with goals.

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