Minister of Housing and Communal Services of Khabarovsk Territory: People vote for their homes with a large ruble


Residents of Khabarovsk Territory began to monitor how major repairs are done in their homes. This was declared by Housing Minister Darius Tyurin region. According to him, apartment owners themselves determine what must be repaired and support these decisions with real money: for example, in the regional capital, the collection of contributions is close to 100 %, recalls the portal "Gubernia". has been operating in the territory of Khabarovsk since 2014. During this time, 1658 objects have been developed. In 2018 – the jubilee of the region – 739 homes are waiting to be repaired: they will renovate the roofs, replace lifts, repair the power supply, heat supply and heating systems. evacuation of water and heat the facades. The total cost of the works will exceed 1.7 billion rubles.

The houses are renewed at the expense of the owners, who transfer each month of money to the account of the regional operator – the fund of Khabarovsk Territory for capital repairs. Subcontractors with whom contracts are awarded are selected by auction and only pre-qualified organizations are allowed to enter the competition.

"During the screening process, organizations are confirmed with qualifications, availability of specialists, etc. And after the preliminary selection, a contest is already held between them, which determines which of them is going to As a general rule, these are companies that have already been on the territory, to which there are no questions from the operator and the owner, and guarantee to correct all comments. "said Darius Tyurin, Minister of Housing and Municipal Services of Khabarovsk Territory.

Contractors are supervised by specialists from the Regional Capital Repair Fund and the apartment owners. ruble If they agree and see this as a plus for their building, they pay money. And today in Khabarovsk, the contributions are almost 100%. This has never occurred in the history of fees for major repairs, – said the region's Housing Minister. – The most important estimate is that given by the owners. They began to realize the progress of work today. "

We add that this year, according to information of the press service of the regional government, 129 houses have already been repaired.In general, the program is designed for 2043, it includes 7749 objects

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