Moscow is ready to help with Usolya-Siberian money


– The city has suffered. The city must be committed to a strong will, strong and strong will. We are here to convince residents to convince them. Sergei Brilka, president of the Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk region, has always been very strong in the city, very strong and elegant specialists

As noted the regional parliament speaker , Usolye-Sibirskoy has professional cadres. The companies of the city do not have any difficulties with the supply of raw materials or the sale of products. The same chemical plant occupies about 11% of the Russian medicines market. In the near future, plans – increase staff and production volumes.

– The main problems that exist for regional authorities are energy, these are the motorways. These are the infrastructure issues to be addressed, said State Duma deputy Sergei Ten.

Moscow is ready to help with the ruble. For the construction of new roads and power grids, the Mono-City Development Fund is ready to allocate more than one billion. However, according to the participants of the work trip, it is necessary to use all the possibilities that are available. Including the regional budget.

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