Mosinzhproekt entered the top 150 of the world's greatest designers


MOSCOW, July 24 – RIA Real Estate. The Mosinzhproekt engineering company based in Moscow took 118th place among the world's largest design companies according to Engineering News-Record (ENR), which makes the annual Top 150 Global Design Award Firms

. the company's message, earlier Mosinzhproekt ranked 13th among the world's 250 largest holdings in the world, as well as the 11th in the section "Civil Construction" and 89th in the section "Transportation".

Last year, "Mosinzhproekt completed the reconstruction of the stadium" Luzhniki ", which recently The main program of the forum was held in the concert hall" Zaryadye ", whose design and construction were also conducted by Mosinzhproekt,

The company plans to complete the construction of a rhythmic gymnastics center in Luzhniki next year.In addition, Mosinzhproekt continues to implement the program of development of the Moscow Metro, is a general designer, contractor and technical customer of the main transport facilities of the capital, as well as one of the operators of the transport-transhipment network

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