MW and the cash income of the population for June are not indexed – Ministry of Labor


July 10, Minsk / Corr. BELTA. The minimum wage (MZP) and monetary incomes of the Belarusian population are not indexed in June of this year, BelTA learned from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. is an adjustment of the value of people who do not have a one-time income from budgetary sources for a partial recovery of losses caused by inflation and which is carried out in the case of a taxpayer who is not in the same situation. a five percent surplus on the threshold of the consumer price index, calculated on a fiscal year-to-date basis since their last indexation (revision of the size of revenues).

According to the National Statistics Committee, the June 2018 consumer price index compared with May amounted to 100.4%. It did not exceed the 5% threshold in January 2018 – the month of review of unemployment benefits and allowances to citizens during the period of vocational training, retraining and further training of labor authorities, Employment and social protection of the city; March – monetary income review month (salaries, state scholarships for students, fellowships for clinical residents and employees to upgrade skills, retraining, full-time training internship in another location), obtained from budgetary sources, the rate of duty of the first clbad for the payment of labor of employees of budgetary organizations and other organizations receiving subsidies whose employees are equal in wages to budget employees

In this respect, these types of revenues for June 2018 are not indexed.

The minimum wage set by the state as of January 1, 2018, in the amount of 305 BR, for June is also not indexed. For the population receiving income from other sources in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, compensation for losses due to inflation is granted for reasons provided for in the collective agreements

For information: The monetary income of the population for June 2018 is indexed according to the procedure provided for by law. within BR206.58 – 100% of the approved budget of the minimum average subsistence per capita, in force at the time of indexation (Decree of January 28, 2006 No. 55 on indexing of the monetary standard GOVERNMENT INCOME adjusted for inflation ").

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