Nabiullina noted the downside potential of the mortgage rate


MOSCOW, July 17. / TASS /. Mortgage rates in Russia have additional downside potential and are at a historic low, said Bank of Russia President Elvira Nabiullina during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

"Of course , the rate (according to the mortgage, TASS) indeed to a historically low level – 9.56% .Nabiullina also noted that the Bank of Russia is closely monitoring the quality of the mortgage, and that the Bubble should not be allowed on the market.

"Now, 44% of all loans they [граждане] take – for a mortgage. Five years ago, that was 27%. 44% C & # 39; Is already a lot.And of course, such a rapid rate of growth of the mortgage requires us to constantly look at the quality of the mortgage.Because, we know many countries, (appeared mortgage) " "and we certainly can not allow this," she noted.

At the same time, the head of the regulator pointed out that the quality of the mortgage portfolio in the market now "very good". "The late mortgages, the mortgage loans at the beginning of the year was 1.3%, at about that level, and now, in general we have 6.1% in the retail business. mortgages are very well served and the quality of the loans is good, "she summarizes.

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