Nakhodka stevedore will build nearly two kilometers of windproof structures


As reported by stevedore, the work of creating a protective fence of a height of 20 meters and a total length of 1.7 kilometers takes place in stages. After the installation of the foundation in September, the installation of a metal frame will begin, on which the windshield panels will be attached. The end of the construction of the fence is scheduled for December 2018.

The screen will close the coal chimneys on the third floor of the specialized coal complex. In general, the investment volume of the port holding under the integrated environmental program in Nakhodka will be more than 1.4 billion rubles. Recall that under the five-party agreements, material handlers are required to prepare in 2018 phased transition plans until 2020, including coal transfer technologies that minimize the negative impact on the environment, provide equipment to all manufacturers. site video surveillance systems to control the use of dust suppression systems and compliance with the technology transfer process of coal, as well as to install devices av [ad_2]
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