National Bank: the situation with prices in the consumer market is stable


"The aggregate indicator of trend inflation over the last four months remains at the 3.2% level in annual terms, the average intensity of consumer prices over the two last month is 2.8%, indicating price stability in the consumer market,

The slowdown in annual consumer price growth rates in June is due to lower prices for fruit and vegetables in Annual terms Fruit and vegetable prices in June 2018 decreased by 4.4% compared to June 2017 due to the strong base of the previous year (in the second quarter of 2017, under the influence of adverse weather conditions, the prices of this category of goods have accelerated.)

Annual core inflation in June was 3.1% (2.9% a month earlier) .At the same time, the accelerated rise in prices of meat and meat products had a significant impact on Without this group of goods, annual core inflation would remain at a level of 2.9%, says the National Bank.

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