Oleg Romantsev – on the performance of the Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


In football, as in life, calculate everything from and to impossible. No, it is realistic enough to write a tactical plan for a separate match, to build a team, to study an opponent. But do not think that all this is the guarantee of the result. After all, there is always something like the human factor. And this can manifest itself in the form of the simplest and most unexpected mistake that will erase everything that was done before the bet. Unfortunately, the match with the Croats recalled that. Smolov is not just an engine. He is one of those who can send the ball into the net in the most difficult situations. So, scoring a penalty for him should not be a problem. But it's one thing to hit him at the next meeting of the Russian championship, another – in the post-game series at the World Championships, where the decision to enter half-time finals. And the situation where in the stands some are waiting for a miracle from you, while others ask the Almighty to prevent this, – an enormous psychological stress. And the fact that Fyodor beat first, only reinforces him. Which prevented the Subasic retransmission.

I started talking about this offensive quarterfinal not to find the last one. I would not even mention the Croats' failure because we played an absolutely equal game, where we showed the best match of the tournament – balanced in all lines, with precisely placed accents. A penalty is the lottery in which the human factor already mentioned plays a fatal role. I remember that in 1990 in Luzhniki we had learned of the "Napoli" Maradona, who was in the quarterfinals of the Champions Cup. Such a post-match series turns the coach into a naked nerve, after which it takes a long time to recover. Therefore, I can imagine what Stanislav Cherchesov was experiencing on "Fishte" Saturday, when we hit the next penalty. I think, then, with the "Napoli", it was easier for him at the door of "Spartacus."

In general, this historic success of the national team can be considered coaching. For the steadfastness and steadiness that Stas did not give up, despite all the negativity that struck him. And, of course, for the risk that he took in the match with Spain, choosing the unpopular among the fans, but the only real protection option. And he won.

The Croatian national team is the same opponent as any team can check. Modric, Lovren, Rakitic, Manjukich in the leading roles at Real Madrid, Liverpool, Barcelona, ​​Juventus. Such a business is capable of any surprise, even deafening. I think she's going to introduce it. But in the dispute with her, we looked more than worthy, in fact, allowing only three rough slips. First, when they flanked for Mandzhukich, Kramarich reacted to the room with a precise blow to the head. The second ball was in the Akinfeev gate after the corner, which could be avoided. And once, after the blow left unguarded by Peresic, the bar helped us. Otherwise, the defense under the command of Ignashevich acted not only reliably and compactly, but again, thanks to Kudryashov's flanking ties with Fernandez, she is quite sharp. A Brazilian, scoring the second goal, gave us hope for the semi-finals, but … The fact that Mariu did not score 11 meters can be explained by the fact that & # 39; He was already physically emasculated, and at CSKA in the penalty shootout does not appear. But the fact that Fernandez has reinforced the defensive line of the team, now no doubt.

The variant with two central defenders due to the liberation of Cheryshev helped to increase the mobility of the median line. This guy is one of the discoveries of the championship. And Denis' goal for the Croatians is still the best I've seen in the tournament. Another discovery – Dziuba, who has turned into a true leader of the team. Ninety minutes of struggle, constant movement across the pitch, goals scored, badists – all at the right time was in the arsenal of Artyom. I know, many were surprised by his unexpected replacement with Gazinsky. But it was the decision of the coach, who thought he was going to strengthen the game. And he had the right to do it.

Thus, for the Russian national team, the curtain is omitted. But there is no occasion for sadness. We did not lose this championship. We simply lost in him a more fortunate opponent and very strong. In addition, the national team won, through play and character, finding the love of millions of fans, who in 1945 really made really happy. Russia has received the national team of hope.

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