On the development of health in the province will also send 500 million rubles


An additional 501.5 million rubles will be allocated for the development of health care in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The money will be spent for the implementation of the large-scale regional program.

Six major projects are expected to be implemented this year. About 260 million rubles will be allocated to the equipment of children's polyclinics. More than 100 million rubles will be invested in the development of rural health care and the construction of new feldsher-wise-women points.

"The cost of drugs will increase by 108 million rubles.For additional funds, it is planned to buy three mobile complexes for the inter-district hospitals of Sukhobuzimskaya, Abanskaya and Achinsk, and to erect 22 modular points feldsher-midwifery in 16 municipalities 78.2 million rubles are planned for the development of palliative medicine ", explained the regional government.

The doctors of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were promised to update the information systems in the institutions. In hospitals and clinics, electronic patient cards will be introduced. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will go to training physicians at the Winter Universiade-2019.

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