Only for tourists. On the beaches of Egypt plan to impose restrictions


Egypt plans to promote tourism in Alexandria, the country's second-largest city, by restricting access to some of the city's beaches for local residents.

This decision was originally proposed by Ali al-Manesterli, President of the House of Travel Agencies

He explained that new beaches "must be equipped to meet the needs of foreign holidaymakers ", and also to provide them" the protection of personal space ". According to observers, this is understood as the zoning of the beach, the creation of cabins, toilets, showers, etc.

The local press believes however that such a government initiative will cause discontent among locals who will face a shortage of beaches. Now in Alexandria for locals, there are poorly equipped public beaches and not in the best conditions, for the entrance to which you still have to pay.

Although the price of entry to private beaches is now inaccessible will be closed for foreigners, the possibility of high quality beach recreation for local residents will definitely disappear.

By creating separate beaches for tourists, writes the local press, the government is trying to attract mainly British, (19659002) According to recent forecasts from British tour operator Thomas Cook, only he will bring to the # 39, Egypt this year at least 500 thousand British tourists, but up to now their main stations – still ] Hurghada and Marsa-Alam.

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