Ozil has announced the end of his career in the German National Team – Sports Mail.Ru


The midfielder of London Arsenal and the German Mesut Ozil announced their retirement in the national team


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"The attitude of the DFB and many others has forced me to stop wanting to wear a German team shirt.I feel useless.I think that what I realized with the team of 2009 was forgotten.People who have been racist in the past should not work in one of the biggest football federations, under the name of the team. from which there are so many players from multicultural families

the decision is no longer to play for the German national team, because I feel a racist and disrespectful attitude towards me writes Ozil in "Twitter."

Ozil has been in favor of the national team since 2009. The 29-year-old played 92 games for the German national team in which he scored 23 goals.

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