Passport table. Which way was Ari repeated? – Premier League News – Football


Source: Sport-Express

32 years old, goalkeeper, Lokomotiv, 2 matches for the Russian national team

I received my pbadport in November 2015. And in March 2016, he made his debut for the Russian national team, becoming the first legionary from far abroad in the history of the national team. Was in demand for the Euro 2016. But things do not go away. The country champion like Russian Guilherme has become, but in the national team Akinfeev under Cherchesov are other goalkeepers.

30 years old, defender, "Fenerbahce", 6 matches for the Russian national team

He was born in Dnepropetrovsk, He spent most of his life in Kyrgyzstan, then went to Installed in Germany, where his father played for Karlsruhe. There was virtually no reason to get Russian citizenship from Neuchstallt, but he was helped by a special decree of the President of Russia before Euro-2016, after which he played at the tournament. At the same time, the player had to refuse German nationality. Cherchesov also actively involved the defender in the team, but in the field he is rarely out. He was removed from the extended team for the world championship.

29 years old, midfielder, "Dynamo", not called to the Russian national team

I got a pbadport in August 2016 for "Krasnodar" from 2011 , becoming a true legend of a young club, learned Russian, married a Russian beauty. However, the call to the national team did not wait. First, after a serious injury has rarely shown in recent years a really brilliant football. Secondly, he did not feel a serious shortage of staff in his position. But how do you know if Jo will give a great season in Dynamo?

Konstantin RAUSH
28 years old, defender, "Dynamo", 5 matches for the Russian national team

He was born in the Tomsk region, in the family of Russian Germans. When he was six, he started living in Germany, was involved in the bundestim of youth. At the same time, Russian citizenship Raush did not lose, because the family emigrated after the collapse of the USSR. So in 2015 to obtain a Russian pbadport for a football player who was playing at the time for Cologne did not become a big problem. In Russia, Rausch liked him so much that he went from "Cologne" to "Dinamo", but participating in the World Championship was not enough – like Neustetted, did not enter the final list after the charges.

Mariu Fernandez
27 years old, defender, CSKA, 10 matches for the Russian national team

Received citizenship thanks to the decree of the President of Russia of July 13, 2016. For today , it was Marius who showed himself the most successful in the Russian team of all naturalized players. Which, however, is not surprising, because in his time he was involved in the main team of Brazil (Russia saved, that the defender only participated in) a friendly match). Fernandez is criticized for the fact that he did not learn the Russian language during years of performances at CSKA (and quite), but he made up for his play at the World Cup. The goal for the Croatians at the end of the extra time is one of the brightest episodes in the history of the Russian national team

32-year-old striker, "Krasnodar" , was not called to the Russian national team

arrived in 2010, then married a Russian woman. Fabio Capello at one point helped Ari in the modification of football citizenship. But then the question was postponed. Now, the Brazilian has a Russian pbadport, but he is already 32 years old. And it's hard to believe that Cherchesov decides to bet on Ari with the live Smolov and Dzyuba. Well, who knows …

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