People poisoned people with toxic emissions: in Omsk, a company that polluted the air


Almost every day, citizens of Omsk complain about harmful emissions. Most often, they are confronted with the inhabitants of the Oilmen and the left bank. After the next calls, Rospotrebnadzor revealed the offender. Several dozen complaints came from office workers at Gubkin Avenue. When the specialists went to the area, they discovered who was smoking the air. Astra LLC occupies the production of chemicals

– The specialists left with an unexpected check and discovered that the company located in Gubkin, 4/1, violates the requirements of the health legislation during from the operation of the facility – causing the deterioration of the health of people – reported in press service Rospotrebnadzor.

The company produces resin for the production of varnish using a mixture of tall oil rosin. When it is produced, ammonia, acetone and other harmful substances can be released into the air.

Medical doctors asked the court with a request to eliminate the violations. We add that the inhabitants of Omsk continue to complain about broadcasts in different parts of the city.

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