Petersburg surpassed Moscow in the ranking of the most expensive cities. How did it happen?


Source: AP 2018

In the rating of the Swiss bank St. Petersburg was in 51st place. A family of three will need about $ 2,298 a month (about 143 thousand rubles at the current rate) for a comfortable existence. For life in Moscow, which has turned out to be in 54th place, the family will have enough $ 2,264 (141 thousand rubles) a month.

The search is based on local prices for 128 different goods and services. The experts took into account the preferences of the average European family, which consumes a lot of vegetables, but seldom buys big products – for example, a television of this family is bought about every 4.5 years.

The experts also took into account regional habits. For example, according to UBS, coffee is less consumed in Russia, but more tea

Why St. Petersburg is it more expensive than Moscow?

St. Petersburg ranking this year the first time. UBS economists and local experts have studied the labor market and prices in the city, as well as the consumption habits of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg toured Moscow in several categories at once. According to UBS, food and household products are more expensive there than in Moscow. In addition, the city is more expensive that is related to the tourism sector – including trips to restaurants, excursions and first-clbad hotels.

Moscow is ahead of St. Petersburg at the price for other categories of goods. For example, there is more expensive electronics, public transport, as well as clothing for men and women. In Moscow, hotels in the average price segment are much more expensive.

If we include the cost of rent, life in Moscow will still be significantly more expensive.

Moscow is ahead of St. Petersburg salary level. Moscow in the ranking is on the 63rd place out of 77 cities, and St. Petersburg – the 66th. The average annual salary in Moscow before taxes, according to UBS, is $ 9,068 (564 thousand rubles), and in St. Petersburg – $ 7,510 (467 thousand rubles).

Source: [19659002] Russian BBC Service

In Moscow, almost all groups of workers are received except in call centers and managers in 1945 in St. Petersburg . ]

Higher prices and lower wages lead to a lower standard of living in St. Petersburg than in Moscow, say the financiers. According to the level of purchasing power St. Petersburg was in 68th place, and Moscow – the 59.

Where is it cheaper to spend the weekend?

Separately in UBS conducted a study on how much it will cost for the fan to spend the weekend in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and also go to the World Cup football.

Source: Russian BBC service

in a good hotel in the city center for two nights, two breakfasts on average for a restaurant in the city, and the cost of the ticket for the stadium and the trip to and from the stadium. The cost of a ticket and a visa is not included in the calculations.

It turned out that a tourist in Moscow would spend an average of 533 dollars per weekend and in St. Petersburg – 394 dollars

See also

Also reading

Fan or disappeared How do foreigners try to get a job or a refuge in Russia on a "fan pbadport"

Moscow and St. Petersburg, according to the notation, are by no means the most expensive cities in the world. In Zurich, an average family of three needs $ 4,260 a month to live, and Geneva – $ 4,165. These two cities rank first in the ranking of the cost of living high

New York comes fifth with $ 3,673 per family, followed by the American city with Tokyo, Milan and London – $ 3, 411

However, these same cities were the leaders of purchasing power because of high wages. The highest purchasing power of America Los Angeles is followed by Zurich, Miami and Geneva

Moscow in terms of purchasing power is next to Bratislava and Philippine Manila, and St. Petersburg – near Zagreb and Bucharest


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