Pogba delivered a sincere speech in the locker room of the French national team before the World Cup final


The video of the heartfelt speech by French midfielder Paul Pogba appeared before the final match of the 2018 World Cup with Croatia (4: 2).


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"We all know where we are, we all know what we want, we know where we've come in. I see it in our hearts, our eyes, we're focused, I'm probably repeating myself, but we're 90 minutes of an incredible story.A game I do not know how many matches in our career we had.But here – it's a game, and it'll change everything.This will change the story

There are two teams and one cup, and for them it is also important, and today we will not allow the opponent to take back what belongs to us. look at each other and not let the opponent win.Today, we must stay in the memory of all the French who are watching us.In the memory of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren We have 90 minutes to get into the story.For forever, guys, forever.
I want new We entered the field as warriors, leaders. And after the match, I want to see tears of joy, not tears of sadness. For everyone to kiss and kiss. Okay? "- quotes Pogba Goal.

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