Poroshenko commented on the extension of EU sanctions against Russia


"I appreciate the solidarity support of member states (European Union, – Ed.) Of Ukrainian Independence and Territorial Integrity," writes Poroshenko on his Facebook.

He adds that the next "Ukrainian" week in Brussels will continue to work with the leaders of the EU and the Euro-Atlantic community to develop a strategy against the "Russian threat".

The Council of the European Union decided to extend the economic measures against Russia until 31 January 2019.

introduced ktsii against Russia in 2014 after the return of Crimea and on the background of the situation in Donbbad. A number of people have been sanctioned. Restrictive measures apply to some companies. In addition, EU citizens and businesses are prohibited from importing products from the Crimea and investing in the economy of the peninsula.

The Russian side has repeatedly stressed that she was not a party to the conflict in Ukraine. Russia has introduced retaliatory measures and prohibits the importation of a number of goods from the European Union. At the same time, Vladimir Putin repeatedly stated that the Crimea issue is finally closed.

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