Proceed to recording all the time. Do it, Russia! – Mail.Ru Sports



I begin writing this text in the press center of the "Fisht" stadium under the noise and rumbling of the water. It's not like rain, but you can not even call it a shower. The voice of the Brazilian viewer who recorded the position of Stanislav Cherchesov's recent press conference five meters from me, is drowning in the sounds of this waterfall that South America is trying to shout . In my opinion, it is in vain – the poor boy will have to repeat everything when the element calms down.

Why am I talking about all this? By the fact that the Russian national team on the eve of the quarterfinals with Croatia had time to practice in a very comfortable time, when the sun was not too unbearable, the clouds did not show. were not yet flooded. Cherchesov – he even drove into the command of the jacket, showing an example of overcoming. But the Croats had to work on the same training ground (the main lawn "Fishta", and so is not ideal, cautiously decided to cherish), trampled by the Russians, only at 19:30. Looking at the storm – and for many minutes – the elements, the quality of this training has become frightening.

So, nature – for the guests? Lord, what kind of nonsense you can ever imagine, when you are at stake – a possible repeat of the best result at the world championships in the history of Russian football. Before him – just a winning step. Or rather a step. Because the words "only" at this level can not be in principle.

Although in recent days it has only begun in Russia, a country of extremes, in such cases it is impossible to avoid. The atmosphere of universal euphoric madness. In the honor of Igor Akinfeev called eagle, born in the Moscow Zoo. Appeared in the light of a human baby called Artem Dzyuba. So before the change of name the surname of of someone in the "Salamovich" case will come soon. I would not be surprised.

But, I remember, even in my relatively quiet tweet after the control match with Turkey, 75% of the polite voted for our team not to leave the group. As the philosopher said, everything flows, everything changes …

The company has the right to go crazy – it was too unexpected for him what happened to the Russian team. The team does not do it. I celebrated a party just after the match, at which Cherchesov let him go – and for work. Conquer a new summit. Vysotsky said: "Only mountains that can not be better than mountains can be better."

Alexander Samedov and Fedor SMOLOV (right) prepare for the match against Croatia


In training, they say, they repeat for the address. Show: Modric in this or that situation acts like this, and Rakitic moves at that moment. But how else? When the dilettantes proclaim: "Well, once the Spaniards are healed, the Croats are not worth it" – I want to tell them the names of the clubs where these same Croats are at stake.

We had a player at Real Madrid (Denis Cheryshev) and "Barcelona" (Igor Korneyev), and they played a few games for the main formations. And these guys have two main midfielders of these clubs, the same Modric with Rakitic, now, by the way, Kovacic from the same Madrid to them in addition. And also – Perisic with Brozovich from Inter, Vrsalco from Atletico, Liverpool Lovren, Juventus Manjukic, and further down the list.

Let's take a look at premature delights and understand that the Russian team, of course, hero, but Croatia is still a favorite. Although it is not, of course, what Brazil, France or Belgium would be.

But it is not a coincidence, I'm sure, that Cherchesov mentioned at a press conference, on another occasion: when and we all played in clubs Well known foreigners, and the team at the same time did not win the celebrity. Football is such a thing that two times two is not always four. When a team – maybe five, and all six, and one by one – three.

Team game – the essential. That's just what it will be? The effective use of the system with five defenders against the "Red Furies" Cherchesov puts Zlatko Dalic difficult issues. How will Russia play – will it repeat the Spanish model or will it prefer the Egyptian model? Will the accent be on the heels of Croatian capabilities or will he dance on his own?

According to the available information, the headquarters form the two models, but four defenders will pursue with maximum probability

First, because the projectile does not fall twice in a funnel – and, in fact, by giving up his own counter-game, we can not stand another 90 or 120 minutes, despite physical training.

Sochi. The players of the Russian national team in formation

Second, because of the style of the game of the Croats, who do not aspire to own the ball and to act horizontally, extending the defense of the opponent.

Due to the need to emphasize the project work is not in the defense, but on the center line, where it is extremely important to collect the maximum of rebounds : neither Modric, nor Rakitic, nor Brozovich are different are vulnerable

Fourth, because of of our own left. As you know, will not play Yuri Zhirkov, and this largely changes the layout. In the scheme with five defenders without Zhirkov (which still requires sending Cheryshev to the reserve, since Samedov is more suited to tactical play in the central area than the tip of Villarreal), we will actually have the left flank of the game. attack. This Zhirkov has enough strength and skill in any arrangement to close the entire border and be effective in front. Kudryashov, he, has no other substitute – he is an excellent, as the NHL, a local defender, on which you can rely in terms of defensive actions, but you can not count on a major contribution.

the game of three central defenders again leads to the liberation of Grenada – this time in the starting range. With Spain, he worked on consciousness, but even on five programs, he did not give (!) Accurate, and in one of the prolongation episodes was played without success in head and organized a sharp attack of the "Red Furies". However, he was a new opponent, because he came out of the second half, now he will be tied with everyone else.

All these reasons make us think that the information that Russia will play in four defenders is correct. Besides Cherchesov – not one of those who always blows on the water. And if with Spain he chose the only possible model to neutralize the opponent (and now the whole world says that he won the tactical fight with Fernando Hierro), but now you can not get by with a throttle of the opponent. You must play by yourself.

Will you have enough strength? All the time you are afraid that the reserve of forces recruited at the gathering in Neustift, once ends. In addition, it is evident that Cherchesov and his staff could not accentuate the top of the form by some quarter-finals . Or was the job arranged to be in the same state for the entire month – without peaks or recessions?

So far, it's not entirely clear that our team was swept away in the second half of the semifinal in the first half and 0: 0 on the scoreboard. If exhausted in the end the physics of Hiddink and Raymond Verheyen, or the conversations in which the club will sell Arshavin and others (find out what is happening now around Golovin and not just him?), What? they dumped themselves in Holland and did not return. 19659003] Now the answer is just for us to receive. As well as the question, did not cover the national team after Spain, a wave of euphoria. All those who are close to the team say that under no circumstances – the team is on a huge emotional push and the Spanish pbad was in no way satisfied, but only entered into taste.


Cherchesov approached for me after the pre-match press conference smiled and for some reason in English asked: "What happened to you, my friend?" my friend? "

But what happened is that I've succumbed to the temptation of the Russian flash crowd in recent weeks – and has grown mustache of hope." honestly grown, not stuck, in contrast, for example, with the owner of the Stanley Cup, Evgeny Kuznetsov.

The decision came spontaneously.The morning of the match after Spain was not easy – he walked with all the center of Moscow until five o'clock in the morning and drank, I repent, not mineral water.Then he slept for four hours to get up in time and write a text in "SE" about everything he had seen, experienced and missed before, about what each of us will remember all his life, because such events do not change exactly in one system, do not build illusions.

And after the text, before leaving for business, it's time to shave – a three-day hair would already look, to be simple, unpresentable. It was then and we thought: why, in fact, not? All the more so you shave completely after four hours of sleep and equipment, which required a crazy calculation (you should also match how the team played!). In the group tournament decided to do without the mustache of hope – to pbad Saudi Arabia and Egypt could and without occult moments. With Spain, it seemed, they are not going to help either. And now …

Now at this rarefied heights of the quarterfinals, while Everest is already far away, every little detail of support to each of us, from you, can go to the Russian team for good. That's fine words, Ivan Urgant invented a mustache of hope or something else. The small energies of any fan, journalist and common man on their land will merge into one big general energy and infuse football players, even one micron more … no, skill, but faith and emotion.

The Sochi stadium has already created a small miracle our advantage – allow the team under the leadership of Cherchesova equalize the score in the control match with Belgium on March 28, 2017, losing 1: 3 to the 74th minute. Then, the favorite scored Vasin, Alexei Miranchuk and Bukharov. Two of the three are now in the team, the other – spare. And in general of those who started this match, only four are in the main cage of the team at the 2018 World Cup – Akinfeev, Kudryashov, Samedov and Zobnin.

This again highlights the characteristic of this team (and thank God, Swedish!) Ibrahimovic, where all the game does not depend entirely on Messi with Ronaldo. A team that breathes time, lives a life and interest, does not share playing time, the right to break a penalty or a penalty, and the bench after our head jumps in the same way as the base

the country and themselves can help these 23 people move on to the next stage. And to understand that it is better that the mountains are only mountains that have not yet been visited.

You managed to make believe, the Russian team. Do it today again!


Today. Sochi. Stadium "Fisht". 21.00 (First Channel – 20.40)
Judges: RICHCHI. De Carvalho, Van Gbade (all of Brazil).

Igor RABINER from Sochi.

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