Putin does not rule out the summer Olympics. Does Bach want to warm up with Russia? – News of the Olympic Games


Source: Reuters

The IOC President Thomas Bach's press conference was held in Lausanne . The German official has long talked about Japan's preparations for the 2020 Olympics. I have reported, for example, that the cheapest tickets will be for football and field hockey. About 18 dollars. The most expensive type is athletics. Even without Usain Bolt. On the "Queen of Sports" cheaper than for $ 156 not to get. Closer to the opening ceremony to visit, you must shell out $ 2,760.

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Another news concerning Tokyo-2020 concerns travel, the conditions of which dictate exclusively the American market. Thus, at Rio 2016, poor athletes returned to numbers well after midnight. The finals went up to 23 hours, then there was a press conference, Doping Control and a road to the Olympic Village. But viewers in the United States to monitor the show was convenient. At the next Games for the same reasons, finals will be held in the morning


Of course, Bach could not have questioned about relations with Russia no more. In addition, he recently held talks with President Vladimir Putin and the President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Stanislav Pozdnyakov.

I must say that there are still some objections. But the situation is no longer what it was when we announced the disqualification of the Russian Olympic Committee. Then, you remember, we heard calls for a boycott of the Games. I think now the situation has calmed down, but when you talk to people, you always have some disagreement. On the side of Russia, there is a desire to "turn the page". They have adopted strict sanctions, which have been applied by the IOC, and they understand what needs to be done for the better. Everyone knows what happened, now the history of Pyeongchang Games in history books. Now we are happy to come back, resume dialogue, support the reforms that they undertake and will undertake

It is strange, but many of our media have taken these words with enthusiasm. Even the titles are out, they say, Bach is ready to send Russia to the committee.

In fact, Russia was fully reinstated in rights soon after the Olympics in Pyeongchang. And now he is a full member of the IOC. In the fall, our athletes will participate in the Youth Olympic Games at Buenos Aires. In the colors of the national form and under the Russian flag. Including, by the way, the athletes.

And Bach, like any experienced politician, said a lot, but at the same time – nothing. He only stated that Russia had problems for which she had been punished, but expressed the hope that they were all behind him.

Thomas BACH | Source: AFP 2018

Is there a need for a SUMMER OLYMPIAD?

Parallel to Bach's conference a joint meeting of the Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport and the Supervisory Board "Russia-2018", attended by Vladimir Putin. In addition to commenting on pension reform, the President made another resounding statement. As part of the communication with volunteers who worked at the World Football Championship, Putin was asked if our country will run for the Summer Olympics. "It's possible," replied the country's chief.

It's time to think about the opportunity of another major sporting event. After all, the capital of the next two Summer Games is known. In 2024, the Olympics will be held in Paris, and in 2028 – in Los Angeles . Thus, before 2032 in Russia, the Olympic Games will not be absolutely accurate. The location of the 2032 Olympic Games, if the IOC does not suddenly reproduce its own rules, will be determined in 2025.

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