Putin is ready to consider selling beer at football matches – Sports Mail.Ru


At a Sports Council meeting in Kaliningrad, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he was ready to consider selling beer at football matches.

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During the meeting, the President of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, stopped separately on the issue of selling beer near the stadium. He noted that during the 2018 World Cup in Tatarstan, the beer was sold for 89 million rubles

"Everyone in Tatarstan can not love more," said Putin.

"Of course, as a Muslim, I'm ashamed to talk about beer, Orthodox" – noted Minnikhanov.

"What a handsome boy you are! Recall that it is forbidden to sell and drink alcohol at football matches in Russia, but especially for the 2018 World Cup, it was allowed. to sell beer in special zones

World Cup – 2018 took place from June 14 to July 15 in 11 Russian cities in 12 stadiums Kazan played six games including the final 1/8 France – Argentina (4: 3) and the quarter-final match Brazil – Belgium (1: 2).

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