Rates of the Nizhny Novgorod region will not exceed the level of inflation


This year, the increase in communal prices will not exceed the rate of inflation and will average 3.9%

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It's lower than & # 39; 39, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some neighboring regions. Certainly, here and there still will have to pay more – this will affect the inhabitants of 29 municipalities of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Thus, in Borough Borough district, growth will be 6.6%, in the district of Sechenov – up to 6%, in Bogorodsk – 8.45%. As explained in the Regional Rate Service, this increase is legitimate and is explained by the fact that utilities have long-term investment programs and concession agreements that allow for modernization. the municipal economy. Thus, money ultimately aims to improve the quality of services.

– It should be noted that these are the limit values ​​for the growth of royalties for utilities. They reflect the maximum possible growth of fees not for all residents, but only for consumers with a number of utilities. For other residents, tariff growth will be lower, – said PCT chief Alexei Malukhin.

But residents of Nizhny Novgorod should not feel an increase in rates for hot water and heating. The fact is that in January 2018, the rate of "Teploenergo" for the population was reduced, and even after the current rise of July, it remained lower than that of December 2017. In other municipalities, the Rates may vary.

In the established indices, electricity rates have also increased. Now a kilowatt in a house with gas stoves in the social standard will cost 3 rubles 58 kopecks, at an economically reasonable rate – 6 rubles 22 kopeks. If the meter is at two rates, then you will have to pay 3 rubles 72 kopecks for the day area according to the social norm, beyond the norm – 7 rubles 15 kopecks. For the night – 1 ruble 82 kopecks and 3 rubles 73 kopeks, respectively. Recall that the night rate is valid from 23:00 to 07:00

In urban apartments equipped with electric stoves, with a kilowatt-meter from 1 July, costs 2 rubles 58 kopecks per social fund and 4 rubles 48 kopecks to a economically reasonable rate. Rural residents will pay respectively 2 rubles 58 kopecks and 4 rubles 48 kopeks.

Those who have not yet installed meters will have to pay more. In recipes, an ascending coefficient is put in them. That's right, this only applies to those who have the technical ability to install meters. Otherwise, to avoid unnecessary burdens, a certificate of lack of technical capability must be established and provided to the management company and resource providers.

If the real growth of utilities exceeds the growth index of the Nizhny Novgorod region (3, 9 percent), a person has the right to monetary compensation of the amount of this excess. On the compensation issues, residents should contact the social welfare departments of their district administration and the National Housing Inspectorate of Nizhny Novgorod region.

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