Recalculation of pensions of illegally working citizens will not produce


For each citizen of Moldova this procedure will be carried out individually, the deputy declared at the press conference at the press center Sputnik Moldova.

"Depends on what period the person worked after retirement, what salary he had, and what deductions he made to the social insurance fund.It is important, if the citizen worked illegally, and his Labor relations have not been formalized by an individual contract with the employer, and also deductions to the social fund have not been made. "Bodnarenko said.

Nobody can say how much the pension of each category of retirees will increase, all the calculations will be made by the National Social Insurance Chamber, added the deputy

"They will not revise the amount of the pension. if the state does not offer a vast information campaign, people will not know about their right and will not receive additional payments, "Bodnarenko summed up.

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