Rolbinov: In one year, the transport situation in Kaliningrad will be completely different


"When we do Shaturskaya Street, with Suzdalskaya we will go to Gagarin, we will end the bypbad north by a junction on Nevsky Street, I badure you that the city will be completely different from the point of view of the intensity of the traffic, "says Rolbinov. he said that all these projects should be completed by December 2019. He urged the drivers to suffer a little because "he left a little a little – a year and a half."

The northern Kaliningrad bypbad builds the JSC "WAD". Now, the company is building a site from the Guryev interchanges to Nevsky Street. Complete the work scheduled for late 2018. After the completion of the work, the track will be six lanes with a design base speed of 120 km / h. The project involves the construction of two interchanges and five bridges, including two pedestrian bridges. In addition, the contract includes a two-lane access road to Gurievsk 1.4 km long. The cost of the works is 6.8 billion rubles.

The east ramp from Suzdalskaya Street to Gagarin should also be completed by the end of 2019. Repair of Shaturskaya Street will begin after the auction, which will be announced within two weeks.

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