Rolbinov: With the construction of the northern ring road, Okruzhnaya will catch his breath


"We will not recreate the old part of the road, it will stay in. And it's pretty much like when we opened the traffic to Svetlogorsk along the Primorsky Ring, the old Svetlogorsk roads and Zelenograd became different completely alive.The traffic decreased significantly, it became easier to drive and immediately the territory became invaded by individual houses, some objects of small business appeared, which means that this territory is acquiring a "second wind." Exactly the same way with this road, "explained the official.

Rolbinov also noted that over time the Big Okrug has turned into an ordinary "downtown" street. "All the objects that are there, all the roads will remain, so in the future, it will become an intraurban road, it will be possible to make the contiguity, much easier than on a high-speed highway." , the entire adjacent territory is an opportunity for additional investment for development, "said the Deputy Prime Minister . [ad_2]
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