Russia sets a new benchmark for the Football World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


– Mr. Speaker, thank you for taking the time to meet with us. I know you have a very busy schedule. But now the world championship, the current world cup in Russia, is entering the final phase, and I have a very simple question: are you happy?

– You asked me a very simple question. I am very happy! It is impossible to describe in words my feelings. I think we need to find new words to characterize this World Cup. Simply fantastic. Everything is great. Amazing atmosphere. Wonderful people, good games. This great event, which is a testament to being, is a great honor!

– Aha! Well, now my question will be more complicated. Many times during the preparation for the championship you said you are waiting for this championship, this world will be the best in the history of the FIFA championships. Even for me, you talked about it two years ago.

– That's right.

– Have you changed your mind now?

– Not at all While I have the same opinion. Russia has set a new benchmark, a new benchmark for such competitions. 11 cities hosting the championship are incredible.

The stadiums, of course, are fantastic. All this is seen: the viewers and the fans who come to the matches. The stadiums are built according to the latest technologies. This can be said about all twelve stages. But not only that. The cities themselves. They are beautiful, with a rich history and culture, many of whom did not know and now are discovering for themselves through this World Cup. And more people. It has been selected 17 thousand volunteers who represent the face of Russia. But not only the volunteers, all the people on the streets, in the cafes and restaurants, the police: the police men and women smile, everyone smiles …

– We have prepared special police units for this championship. . And it's great. And the atmosphere of this world football festival

– As President of FIFA, in preparing this World Cup, you have worked in close contact with the Russian authorities. Many times you met President Putin. It is fair to say that the preparations for this World Cup took place under his personal patronage. How did this affect the preparation, how did it help to organize the championship?

– The participation of the president and the entire government was very important for the success of this competition, this championship. I have never seen such a responsible attitude from top to bottom, at all levels, that desire to realize that it was a successful championship. This is not the case, as it is usually the case with the orders up and down.

We met with your president several times. Of course, we discussed organizational issues. In the championship came 3 million fans. The stadiums are occupied by 98%. It only became possible because everything was worked out in great detail. And in many ways, this is due to the excellent work of President Putin. When it all started, he may not have been a big fan of football compared to other sports. I've heard about it. But now he was really infected with football like all Russia.

– To organize an international competition of such magnitude, such a fantastic tournament is not an easy task. Work for professionals, a very professional team. Your team is FIFA. This is your personal contribution and your colleagues. Could you tell us about all the "cooking" of the preparation? How many people came with you to help the Russian organization committee. How does this work look from the inside?

– I would not, of course, disclose all the secrets and talk about everything …

– Yes, of course. Maybe the organizing committee in Qatar will hear these secrets and will benefit from them.

– We will always have a conversation with them. They also came to the championship. Of course, thousands of people participated in the preparation of this contest.

– Of course.

– Everything has been thought through to the last detail. And the local organizing committee of recent years has worked a lot and efficiently. FIFA's work can also be evaluated perfectly. The commitment of such success, of course, is a collective team work of the government, the local organizing committee. FIFA, volunteers doing their job, sometimes unnoticed. And also the media, journalists, food companies. Everything should work perfectly

– As a single mechanism

– As a unique mechanism. Because everything is interconnected, one depends on the other. This is not just the organization of a match at the stadium. These are trifles. The organization of such an event as the Football World Cup, to which have come millions of fans around the world, means that all aspects need to be solved. Whether airports or train stations, cities, stadiums, anywhere in the country. And such an organization is only possible through cooperation, preparation and professional action from top to bottom, at all levels.

– When we planned this interview, we did not find the right moment to meet you. You drive through all the cities, you watch the matches of all the teams. And it was hard for me to imagine how it is possible to have the time to watch all the matches in different cities that are at a decent distance from each other . How did you manage it? And what impressed you the most during these trips?

– Everything was impressive for me. I was impressed by the country, which I discovered for myself. Before that, I did not know her at all. It seemed to me that I knew Russia. But the reality has exceeded all my expectations. And not only in relation to football, but in relation to the richness of this country – its culture, its heritage, its history. And that's part of the world heritage. That's what the rest of the world should know. And the world begins to discover your country thanks to this championship.

I wanted to visit the 11 cities of the championship, to see with my own eyes each of the 32 national teams participating in this world championship. Yes, I have to travel a lot. But this has only become possible thanks to the remarkable work of all those involved in the organization of this event. And, it seems to me, their work has been appreciated in all cities, by all residents. And for me it brings great satisfaction.

That is why I approached this subject. During these trips, you meet a lot of Russians: volunteers, fans, ordinary people, not just the authorities …

– Quite right

– And what can you say about the Russians?

– This is fantastic! I can say for sure. But it's not a subjective opinion – it's not that I'm the FIFA president, and you might think that for this reason everyone treats me well. It is not like that. And I see it from the way people behave on the streets, like all volunteers smile. By the expression of people's faces, you understand that they are very open and hospitable. Behavior, as usual people behave, who participate in the holidays and want to have fun, like everyone else, and enjoy football. And that is the image we want that he has in football. And it is also the image of Russia. That suits him completely

Someone said that Russia is violence, discrimination, even some [mauvaises] things . But there is nothing like it. In reality, everything is very different. Someone says that Russia is not a football country. But, judging by the latest events of this World Cup, Russia is one of the largest countries in the world and not only on the football field, but also beyond.

– Do you think this championship will change the opinion of other countries? especially in the West, about Russians and Russia?

– Of course. Surely this will be the case. [В преддверии ЧМ] we were reminded of various details about Russia. But then we came here and saw everything. And I'm not just talking about myself, but hundreds of thousands of people from around the world who came to Russia to celebrate the victories of their teams in Red Square and elsewhere in the T-shirts of their national teams. All together, with the Russians. It is the true Russia, not Russia that some of us are represented, and they want us to believe it. Here is Russia, the one we see ourselves – an open and hospitable country, with a population of several million inhabitants living as in any other part of the world. And these millions demonstrate how happy they are to see the world.

– Answer me now as a professional, as the FIFA President, me – a fan with 50 years of experience. As it seems to me, our team is performing surprisingly well in this world. How do you think the achievements of our national team can help national football? How can this affect the development of football in our country?

– You will see the results very, very soon. How this championship influenced Russia, as a football country. Russia, I am sure, will occupy a special place at the top of the list of football countries around the world. But not only thanks to the eleventh or even 23 players who play in this championship. They play well, not bad

– I agree

– Contrary to fears. They play well. They play as a team. But more is important. This is the so-called football virus that has infected the whole country. The feeling we experience in the stadiums, during the match of the Russian national team, in particular, and even other teams; the fact that Russian fans live in football. And that mood will not pbad immediately.

In addition, you will have a wonderful infrastructure, sports facilities. All in your country now understand what football is capable of, how it can change public life in different cities. People are proud to show stadiums in their cities and, at the same time, they show visitors in their hometown. What was built for the championship will remain. Of course, these facilities and infrastructures must be maintained and developed further. But now there is already a solid foundation. And FIFA, of course, will help, I will help. Everyone in the FIFA team has fallen in love with Russia, and we will often see how your football is developing.

– At the 68th FIFA Congress in Moscow the day before the opening of the World Cup, you announced your intention. again run for the FIFA President. To be honest, personally and millions of Russian fans will support your candidacy.

– Thank you. (In Russian) Thank you!

– I promise. I can speak for myself for sure. But, what are your main messages, promises to football fans, to the world of football? People in over two hundred countries watching football, maybe every day. What can you say personally as FIFA President?

– That I am one of them. That I am one of those millions of people who have pbadion, emotions and feelings for football, this wonderful sport. And, like them, these millions of people around the world, I live football. I do not just watch games, I live football from the outside and from the inside. And that's where we have to focus our efforts on FIFA. That's what you need to do – develop football on all continents, all over the world, make investments in football for boys and girls. Give the ball – it's like that, to a boy or girl on the street, anywhere in the world. And a smile will appear on their faces, their eyes will light up. That's our goal. That's what we have to do, believe in this. Believe in the values ​​of football, sports and development, and support them more with a lot of love, pbadion and energy.

– There are only a few days left before the end of the magnificent holidays for the whole world and for Russia in particular. Unfortunately, we approached the end of the interview. Before that, what could you say to Russian viewers in front of TV cameras, Russian fans? In front of you, the FIFA President and your wonderful team will leave Russia, and we will stay here and remember much more of those unforgettable moments.

– I can say with all my heart, with all my heart: great, thank you very much everyone. (In Russian) Thank you very much, dear friends! I love Russia! Thank you very much. And see you! Thank you. Goodbye!

– Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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