Salaries are not in a hurry – News Mail.Ru


Salaries stagnate: in Moscow and St. Petersburg in private companies since the beginning of the year, the total income of employees went to the plateau and stopped – these are the results of the HeadHunter study. Tatyana Gomozova

Revenues of commercial sector employees in Moscow and St. Petersburg have steadily increased or increased only slightly, according to the results of the first half of the year. The study takes into account not only wages, but also bonuses. As explained by the director of Analytical Business Decision Making HeadHunter Natalia Danina, the momentum became virtually nil for the first time after the crisis: "When the crisis occurred in 2014-2015 the wages fell mbadively. By the end of 2015, about all regions, the fall was 10 to 11%. 2016 was the year of stabilization, 2017 was the year of positive change somewhere of 3-4%.

The first quarter of this year has resumed the trend, and by the results of the semester we have already recorded practically zero change,

Natalia Danina

Director of Analytical Department of Business Solutions HeadHunter

According to Ms. Danina the main reason is seasonality: as a general rule, mbad wages are revised in the first and last quarter of the year. But that's only one side. Judging by all, the revenues will not increase faster and by the end of the year, says Vladimir Grigoriev, financial expert at the Muscovite branch of Opora Rossii: "We do not observe Significant economic growth.And the forecast for this year, a number of independent and Western experts on Russia, even reduced, but they were already low – 1.5-2 %.Most likely they will be less – with a small growth simply there is nothing to increase wages.I also think that private companies are probably already starting to prepare for a VAT increase, which will take place January 1st of next year, it will be a very serious burden. "

Private sector pressure could be affected by private sector wages, Grigoriev said. The Ministry of Economic Development expects that by the end of the year, the rate of wage growth of all Russians, taking into account the employees of the state, it will rise to just over 6%. However, already in 2019, the growth rate will be less than 1% – that is to say that there will be no pressure.

All this does not mean that wages do not increase, said Superjob CEO Alexei Zakharov. A high-value specialist can expect a high salary generally at any time: "For example, the salaries of skilled specialists in the field of modern agriculture are increasing at an accelerated rate. With regard to sanctions, the process of real import substitution is underway. Specialists in the field of farm management, processing in excess of demand, receive additional fees. Seasonal construction, of course: traditionally, wages in construction begin to increase in the summer and in the fall, they start to stagnate or even decline.

Road Construction, Tiles – All of this requires people, people who manage a lot. 19659004] Vladimir Grigoriev

Financial expert of the Muscovite branch of "Support of Russia"

According to the recruiters, at the top of the salaries there are Specialists in Computer Science The average programmer now earns twice as many accountants with the same experience: in Moscow it is about 120 thousand rubles. Demand for these products exceeds supply, so that their revenues will grow even more – but that's not a fact that is faster.

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