Sands explained the absence of Putin in World Cup football matches


The fact that President Vladimir Putin did not attend the matches of the Russian national football team at the World Cup, with the exception of the opening match "does not cancel the fact that it was very hot for our guys and was in During all the events," press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday [19659002] "Desc & # 39 ;:" The fact that President Vladimir Putin was not present at the matches of the Russian national football team, except opening match, "does not cancel the fact that he was very very sick for our guys and was aware of all the events," said the press secretary Dmitry Peskov to reporters Monday . N ', & # 39; rbSlot & # 39;: & # 39; www_vedomosti_ru & # 39;, & # 39; Original: & # 39; //||1024×576','photoUrl':'/football2018/news/34044400 / gallery / 5962340 / & # 39; & # 39; Title & # 39;: & # 39; Photos to material & # 39; Sands explained the absence of Putin on the carpet ah football ""} of the world championship,

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He recalled that Putin's schedule initially meant visiting only the opening and closing games of the championship. It is expected that the president will attend the final, said the representative of the Kremlin.

He also confirmed that Putin will not meet French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to St. Petersburg, where the French team will play Tuesday in the semifinals of the world championship against the Belgian national team. "Macron will only come to the match and immediately after that will leave St. Petersburg. And in turn, the schedule of the President (Russia) does not plan to visit this match," – explained Peskov.

However, the Russian and French presidents communicate regularly, said the Kremlin spokesman: "Russia and France do not lack communication at the highest level."

Macron promised to return to Russia in May. on football. "We can then meet again President Putin," said the French president after talks with the Russian president.

The World Cup takes place for the first time in Russia. The tournament opened on June 14 with a match between teams from Russia and Saudi Arabia and ended with a "dry" victory of Russia with a score of 5: 0. Since then, the Russian team on June 19 defeated the Egyptian team (3-1), on June 25, was defeated by the Uruguayan team (3-0), beat the l & # 39; 39, Spain (1: 1 in overtime and 4: 3 in a series of shots on goal) and for the first time in its history entered the quarterfinals of the World Cup. In the quarterfinals on July 7, the Russian national team played with the Croatian team. In overtime and extra time, each team scored two goals, and in the penalty shoot-out, Croatia won (4: 3).

In addition to opening the World Cup, Putin was not present at any match. Before the match against Egypt, Dmitry Peskov said that there was still no "match" in the president's plans, but "nothing can be ruled out."

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