Shuvalov is convinced that the happiness of a person does not depend on the size of housing


MOSCOW, July 18th. / TASS /. The happiness of a person does not depend on the area of ​​his housing, the market should be given a variety of options for buyers. This opinion was expressed by the head of VEB Igor Shuvalov, expressing at the Moscow Urban Forum

The bottom line is that the market had the opportunity to choose according to the opportunities and according to their desires. If you need a 20 meter flat, buy it and be happy. If you need a 100 meter flat and you have an income for it, buy yourself a 100 meter flat.

Igor Shuvalov

head of VEB

The head of VEB emphasizes that the most important is that people can have various proposals. "And this proposal should form the most modern aspect of the city," he summed up.

Shuvalov recalled that two years ago he had "hung" the phrase on "ridiculous apartments."

I said that in 20 meters you can be happy. Or at 200 meters you can be happy, the essential is that the market should be able to choose according to the possibilities and according to your wishes. "

VEB Chief added that the possibility of choice is very important and his market should provide. [19659002] It often happens that one must walk five minutes to go to work on foot, it is well paid and everything seems go well, and my wife is beautiful, and the children are good, they go to school, and the people are all unhappy.And someone and an hour can get to work and have other difficulties in life, and he is happy.Therefore, of course, feeling happy is very important.Therefore, after a hard day's work, after a good day's work, go back into an apartment that should be such that this happiness continues

Igor Shuvalov

Two years ago, Shuvalov at the forum "Wednesday for Life", but people buy a housing of 20 square meters .meters and it is very popular, there is a corresponding niche on the market.

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