Standards for maintenance of antibiotics in food do not pass on time


Source: Photographic Archive of Kommersant Publishing

Meat, milk and eggs can be mbadively seized in shops: a letter on this subject concerns producers of products sent to the Eurasian Economic Commission. About this, "Kommersant FM," said the chairman of the Retailers Association Sergei Belyakov. The new antibiotic content, which will come into effect in August, is of concern

Antibiotic content standards are only valid for six types of drugs – in the new list there are more than 70. However, manufacturers do not respect not the delays. control the contents of forbidden foods in food. Therefore, the company requests to postpone the entry into force of the new regulations.

The Eurasian Economic Commission has already received a letter and promised to take it into consideration, said AKORT Chairman Sergey Belyakov at Kommersant FM:, so the shelves are safe for consumer products . There is another nuance, namely that the requirements of August 14 are mandatory, but we still do not know how to apply them, how to measure what is the "qualifying standard".

Any infrastructure that would allow this control,

If you literally meet the requirements that come into effect on August 14, it will mean the possibility of only dealing with the raw materials that were not affected by medical treatment. The second factor, for which we request the postponement of the entry into force of this standard, is the exclusion of risk, so that producers, suppliers and networks do not appear to be breaking the law , and at least not to deprive the stores of products sold despite the fact that it has no adverse effect.

Now in Russia, it is not possible to test most of the banned drugs in the list.FM "Executive Director of the National Union of Milk Producers Artem Belov.

"Currently, in the technical regulations, only six antibiotic groups have estimates . As for milk, this refers to four groups of antibiotics. Decision No. 28 of the EEC badumes that the list will be considerably enlarged and that most of them do not have estimates which could prevent producers from voluntarily controlling raw material inputs, which is false. After all, if we find antibiotics in the final product, which can in no way be incorporated into the product at the stage of processing, the claims will be formulated for the transformer.Here we see some conflict ", explains Artem Belov.

The entry into force of the regulations may lead to a rise in the price of meat and milk, says Ivan Fedyakov, "Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, we find that the development and the subsequent implementation of such initiatives take place without dialogue with the business community .We have the state – separately, the business – separately.The fact that any changes, especially those related to restrictions to the supply of a particular product, will result in a reduction in supply and, as a result, an increase in the prices of products that remain on the shelves is absolutely obvious.And this is likely to occur in the near future. The only thing that needs to be mentioned here is that because of the strong competition in the market, no one will be able to speculate on this because the distribution company is actively fighting for the consumer. "[19659005] Rosselkhoznadzor supports the demands of producers. The Bureau indicates that with the introduction of the new regulations, the number of inspections will increase, and therefore the number of violations found.

Alexander Gubanov

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